Innovation to Save Lives

Across the globe, there is a tremendous need for new methods of sterilization for cats and dogs that are faster, easier, more accessible, and less expensive than surgery.
ACC&D works tirelessly to bring together key stakeholders to advance this field, serves as a trusted source for scientific and educational information, and advocates for products to be available to the animals, people, and communities who need them most.
Learn about non-surgical birth control for cats & dogs
ACC&D is a trusted source for scientific and educational information on non-surgical fertility control for dogs and cats. On our site you can learn about approaches to non-surgical fertility control and the non-surgical contraceptive products available now, watch recordings of symposia presentations, or peruse our free e-book, Contraception and Fertility Control in Cats and Dogs, and much more.
Projects to advance non-surgical sterilization and contraception
Our projects help to advance our mission and this field. Our current projects include figuring out how to mark and identify non-surgically sterilized cats and dogs, using computer modeling to improve how free-roaming cat populations are managed, creating practical guidance and toolkits on the ethical considerations associated with field projects with cats and dogs, and more.
Encouraging new methods of fertility control to improve animal welfare
ACC&D is a catalyst to advance new methods of non-surgical birth control to save the lives of dogs and cats, expand options for pet owners, and improve the well-being of animals and communities worldwide.
What People Are Saying About ACC&D
“ACC&D’s role is crucial in the animal welfare field as we will not be able to succeed in our work to reduce cat and dog populations using only surgical means, it is like putting your finger in the dam.”